Thursday, April 27, 2006

Messin in photoshop

Again I have taken a piece of my brother's artwork and colored it in Photoshop. Love ya bro!! heehee Hope he doesn't mind. heehee Anyways, till next post....(Sunday maybe).....PEACE!!!

Sneekin some in....

Hee heee! Kids are actually watching a movie right now. It gave me time to sketch some.:O) I figure I need to get it in somehow 'cause the weekend will probably be hectic! Anyways, here's me workin on faces. I think I'm gonna do that for a while and then move on to bodies and positions. heehee Anywho, I'll try to post more later ( if I sneek more time in!) Till then.....PEACE!!!

sketches from last night.....

Didn't get much in last least not as much as I wanted! My sister ended up calling and we talked for an hour or so. At the bottom are pics of my work space. I know it's small but don't have room anywhere else! I'm planning on getting a table easel and attaching it to the desk. Eventually I will get a nicer chair!!! One that's comfortable!:O) I might get some sketchin in tonight. Depends on how I feel, cause I know I have to go to work on Friday.:O( Anyways, till next post......PEACE!!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

2nd post of the day!!

Went to the store and picked up a new toy!! Woo-hoo!!! Someday I'll have my drawing space done...gonna take alot of work. I still have to put my desk in there (it's in my living room right now) and get more toys! That wall is pretty huge. My brother is sending me a light table.....can't wait!! I can say that I never thought toys would bring me motivation, but lookin at em makes me want to be that guy who creates them. I gotta lot of work to do and I know it. Anyways, I'll catch ya on the flip....till next post.............PEACE!!!

last night's work.......

Not much last night, but am happy got some in. Every little bit counts right? So frustrated, probably cause so much is goin on. I need to get some focus back and it's driving me mad!!! Oh well, I guess I just need to keep at it and eventually everything will fall in place. Anyways, till next post..........PEACE!!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Quick post...

I got home about an hour ago. I wanted to do some work but changed my mind. I'm just too tired. Here's something I was working on, hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow. I have to get my energy back first!:O) Oh well, I guess now I'm becoming the starving artist.....heehee! Thanks St John for looking at my blog. I really appreciate the comments. Anywho, till next post.....PEACE!!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

old stuff revisited....

Here's a little stuff I did this morning. I will probably finish them with pencil and then try coloring them again. Just messin around today. heehee Anyways, off to work I go tomorrow so I'll try to post something on Sunday. Till then.....PEACE!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Some of my old stuff.....

Here's some old stuff. I figured I might as well post it. As you can see I have a problem finishing stuff. There are a lot of mistakes, but lookin at 'em makes me remember what it was like to draw and not care about it. Ahhhh....the good ol days.:O) Anyways, I might try to clean up some of 'em and maybe even pull them into PS and color 'em. We'll see. Anyways, I'll try to post tomorrow depending on how it goes. Till then .....PEACE!!!! P.S. I'm comin Mel.....:O)

got some time in....woo-hoo!!!

Got drawing time in last night......I wanted 2 hours but I'm happy with what I got. Decided just to do fast sketches. Was trying to stick to sketchin faces but got mad and just let the pencil move. :O) heehee Hopefully tonight will go just as good if not better! Anywho, till next post......PEACE!!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 for me!!!

Been really busy. Trying to get a loan to get out of debt....not too sure about the offer we got. I'll be mulling it over for the next couple of days. We'll see how it goes. Anyways, had a bad day yesterday so I went and bought some toys. Made me feel a lot better! Hopefully one day I'll have a home office. Tonight I hope to get some good steady time to draw. As usual....we'll see. Anywho, till next post.......PEACE!!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ain't much....

Here's some sketches from last night. Weekend wasn't bad.... it was weird going back to work and not having the kids near me. The drive wasn't bad at all either. We'll see how next weekend goes. Anyways, I'll try to get some sketches done tonight. Till next time.....PEACE!!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006


So frustrated....but had fun last night! I started off sketching and then got mad so went to my photoshop tutorials (the last pic). I have to go to work tomorrow so I'll either find a way to post tonight, or post when I get back on Sunday night. Hopefully I can find that groove again! Anywho, till next post.....PEACE!!!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A little bit tonight...

I down loaded some stuff tonight and came up with my banner. Just messin around. I also found some tutorials I'm gonna try hopefully tomorrow. Anyways, feelin a little better about the whole learnin process I'm goin through( thanks bro!) Till tomorrow.....PEACE!!!!

some stuff from past week or so...

Been workin in intervals. It's hard startin something and then comin back to it. It's like trying to left off where a dream ended. I would love to sit for 2 hours and draw like old times, but I have yet to settle my schedule. Plus I start work this week....not too sure how I feel about the 2 hour drive there and back. Also being away from my family for Saturday and most of Sunday. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully I can get back to drawing more. Anywho, till next post....PEACE!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

work in progress.......

Here's a work in progress. I need to get back on the ball. It's hard to find I'm soo frustrated! I need to find my groove again. Hopefully soon. Anywho, I'll post when I get this done...soon...I hope..heheeheehee Till next post...PEACE!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm slackin'.......

Haven't been at it that much. The last time I got frustrated, it took some of my gusto. I'm starting to feel like I can't learn anything when it comes to art. I learn something new and then a new mistake pops up. That's pretty much the story of the drawing sessions this weekend. Not to mention my darn computer keeps acting up. Anyways, here's last night's pic I drew. It's a feeble attempt at trying to pull myself outta this rut I'm stuck in. I'll probably put in PS and mess with it later. Anywho, till next post.........keep it real:O)