EDIT: Here's the entire short. I uploaded it to you tube. It still doesn't play right but at least u get the idea. Oh well. Thanks for lookin!!
Here's my last 3rd of my short blocked out. Not too happy with it.....at least I know I have 2 more weeks to work on it. I was gonna put up the whole story blocked out, but for some reason when I upload it, it plays really fast. Makes no sense to me and I have no time to mess with it. lol I need to get some drawing time in...I'm missin it. lol I also sent some inquiries out to some game studios.....no response. :O( Guess I just gotta keep bustin my butt and hopefully someday I'll get my foot in. Oh, when he tosses the ball in the air the timing is off.. phhhbbbttt! At least I caught it! lol Anyways, till next post....PEACE!!!