Friday, June 09, 2006

Thanks for all the comments...

I love when I get comments! Thanks all for lookin. Anyways, not much last night, just some quick sketches. I've been workin on a project and tryin to get it done as fast as possible. hehee So I can get back to worrying about when Animation Mentor will get back to me!:O) heehee I'm more relaxed about it now. Probably because it's been over a week. Oh well, they'll get back to me when they want. I have a lot to do today but will try to get some drawing time in with the kids. We'll see how that works. Anywho, till next post...........PEACE!!!!


Unknown said...

thats what Im talkin about! Good to see you in the saddle again!
Luvya bro and keep on crankin!

Lael Henderson said...

good luck with school miles, I hope ya can get in....I sure like the comments too, thanks for alway stoppin by my blog. Nice to know someone looks at this stuff. Keep workin! -lael