Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A lil sketchin....

Edit: 9/14/06 tonight's quick sketches.... can see more mistakes with the scanner...:O( Oh well....gotta keep on learnin!;O)

Edit II: Here's something I did a while back....was gonna color it but then realized...what colors am I gonna use? I guess I'll get back to it at a later date. Anywho.....will sketch some later and post it before I go to bed. Later!
EDIT: Got a scanner today.....huge difference from takin a pic!! Oh yeah!! heehee Anyways, will try to crank em out later!......PEACE! Here's somethin I did back in March of this year...
Not much tonight or last night. Hopefully will get a lot in tomorrow. I did get my first paycheck from doin some art!! Woo-Hoo!!! Thanks for the gig Erik(if you're even checking my blog still)! Anyways. school starts soon...can't wait to find out who my mentor is! Anyways, till next post .............PEACE!!!!!


Dan Elder said...

thats the scrubs dude hey... sweet drawings man your really startin to come into your own

Unknown said...

oooo great post bro!! Looks like youre makin some nice leaps!

Lookin forward to the next round

Unknown said...

THese are awesome sketch pages!! Nice works!!

Joel Reynolds said...

Hey, man

Thanks for the kind words.
Good stuff here. It's awesome that you draw so much - I can tell that you love it. I saw the pics of your kid(s?) in the crate - hilarious! Good luck at school, man - I hope it's a ton of fun and that you learn a lot. I'll be back soon!

Buckley said...

Hey man!

You're eyes are really coming together. I like the way they feel!

Drop me a line when you hear from AM and who your mentor is!

