Friday, September 15, 2006

tonight's work...

EDIT: Pic of my work space...still have to work on it more...and get more toys!;O)
I started off doin a really fast coloring job on some sketches. Not the greatest but hopefully will help me remember about P.S. heehee Faces are soo darn hard!!! I know...keep at it. I still need to work on poses. I guess that's gonna have to wait till I get back from work this weekend.:O( Oh least school starts soon!! Woo-hooo!!!! Can't wait to find out who my mentor is. Anyways, off to work I go tomorrow morn, so till the next post........PEACE!!!!!


Ken said...

great sketches!

Unknown said...

awesome sketches and toys! I actually fell off the band wagon with the toys this weekend as another wave of galactic heroes came doesnt end dood. I thought I had curbed that puppy..

Unknown said...

cool head drawings!

Ben Reynolds said...

Nice workspace man...looks like a toystore!! Keep up the sketches man!!