Thursday, March 23, 2006


I didn't do much work tonight but did manage to mess around in PS. I messed around with texture and blurring a little bit. So much to much I don't know....sooo frustrating!! heehee:O) Anywho, will try to do some work tomorrow....till then ....PEACE!!!!


Unknown said...

always so nice to see you push yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Right on dood! Im so proud of ya!

Ben Reynolds said...

Thanks for the comments man! keep it up

Jeremy said...

Photoshop is tough... really tough but it's always cool to experiment with. Cool that you got your wife interested in drawing too. Sounds like a great way to spend time together. Keep working hard and studying the artists you admire! You're better and better with every drawing!
P.S Your dog is the cutest puppy I've seen in a long time!

Dan Elder said...

Beagles are so cute. you post ALot which is a good thing, just keep improving those hand drawing skills colour is overated lol JK. i agree, it is freakin hard ppl can dedicate there whole lives to just studying colour.

Hans said...

Hey Milo,

I know what you're dealing with:) Trying to get into photoshop some more myself. Just keep practicing, you'll learn something new with each piece.
