Tuesday, March 07, 2006

you thought I was slackin part 1...

I would've posted earlier but was having problems with my puter. Evidently pop up blockers stop you fromw posting....took me 3 days to figure out!! heehee Anyways, I got my clay the other day and started workin with it. It was a blast!! My first 1 I didn't make so well and as you can see, it broke! It fell over in the oven....I was soooo mad! I was so proud of it, but forgot to take a pic before I put it in the oven. The 1 that made it I did just after the other 1 was found broken. I was mad and it was late. I know I can do a lot better. Today I'm going to the store to get more clay and hopefully redeem myself....we'll see. Till next post ......PEACE!!

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