Sunday, March 12, 2006

problems last night....

I would've posted yesterday for but some reason I couldn't connect to the internet. Then we had a barbecue....mmmmm. Twas good. After that we played scrabble for about 5 hours. heehee I got side tracked. Well here's what I did during the afternoon yesterday. I messed up on the Joker alot........damn hands! heehee I also put some color pencil on the last one. Anywho, till next post....PEACE!!


Dan Elder said...

Hey thanks for the kind words I like your stuff alot as well, are many of these recent peices from emmory of watching the show or copyed from somehwere?

milo said...

I actually pull picks from the internet and then draw em. Some are from books and a couple are from toys. I still have a lot to learn before I can start my own stuff. Thanks for lookin!

Ben Reynolds said...

cool sketches...nice nightcraweler man.

milo said...

Thanks Ben!

Darryl Young said...

Thanks for all the kind words Milo! Really like this latest batch. The bbq must have inspired you .... mmmmmmmmm .... bbq :)